About This Blog

"Write what you know."

This blog is based on the one subject I have an inexhaustible fascination for: food.  Oh, and criticizing.  I do love me some good criticism.  (Giving, not receiving.  Of course.)  Does that make me a professional food critic?  Hell, no.  I have absolutely nothing in my education, training, or experience that qualifies me to be a food critic.

Is that going to stop me from writing like one?

Let's hear another "hell, no!"

I mean, c'mon, this is a blog after all.  You don't think these things are written by actual experts, do you?  Of course not.  Those guys write for newspapers, magazines, or even write whole books (gasp!).

Nope, this is just an excuse for me to write about food (and anything else, related or not) that delights, disappoints, or disgusts me.  (See, I used alliteration there.  Just like a real writer.)  I love food, and it seemed like a good gimmick for my blog.

This blog is basically broken down into three sections:
  1. Reviews: Usually, this will be restaurant reviews, although the occasional kiosk, food truck, sack lunch, or lone food item will find itself reviewed here.
  2. Snacks Between Meals: This is where I get to rant (or rave, depending on my current prescription dosage) about things that have nothing to do with restaurants.  I'll try to keep these short, but don't think this means I won't digress all over the place during Reviews.  There will be plenty of that too.
  3. The Big Ride Saga:  I first started blogging to keep my sponsors, friends, and family appraised of my progress preparing to cycle in the 2011 Ride to Conquer Cancer.  Since I will occasionally refer to events in those blog postings, I have included them here to catch you up on the details.
Well, that's it.  Feel free to leave me comments, especially if they are restaurant recommendations.
